SQLite is maintained by only three people!

SQLite is maintained by only three people!

Find all the highlights of [weeklyfoo](https://weeklyfoo.com) #66 here!

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Find the 10 highlighted links of weeklyfoo #66:

Software Design is Knowledge Building

by Facundo Olano

I think every software engineer knows a similar story. Very well written and on point!

🚀 Read it!, engineering

Collection of insane and fun facts about SQLite

by Avinash Sajjanshetty

24 insane facts!

🚀 Read it!, sqlite

Bun and S3

by @bunjavascript

Bun gets first-class support for S3. Upload, download, stream, and presign with 0 dependencies

📰 Good to know, bun, s3

The Productivity apps I use in 2024

by Cassidy Williams

Always worth it reading these kind of lists like this one from Cassidy Williams

📰 Good to know, productivity


by Vaishnav Deore

Minimal open source Screen-Time Tracker for Linux

🧰 Tools, tracking, linux


by fooapi.com

Dummy data for your projects, fast and simple. Users, products, posts, comments and more!

🧰 Tools, api, fake-data


by Arik Cohen

No-nonsense stateless webhook tester

🧰 Tools, webhooks


by rombo.co/tailwind

tailwindcss-motion is a Tailwind CSS Plugin made at RomboHQ. It’s a simple, yet powerful, animation library with a simple syntax.

🧰 Tools, tailwind


by midscenejs.com

Automate browser actions, extract data, and perform assertions using AI. It offers JavaScript SDK, Chrome extension, and support for scripting in YAML.

🧰 Tools, ai, scraping

5 great design films you should watch right now

by Nate Berg

Epic and influential designers, both real and imagined, hit the screen.

📺 Videos, design

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