5yrs of building, show hn, and earning the first $1

5yrs of building, show hn, and earning the first $1

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Find the 10 highlighted links of weeklyfoo #71:

I spent five years building a web app, posted it on Hacker News, and got my first $1.

by Ryohei Kameyama

What a ride!

🚀 Read it!, startups

There are a lot of ways to break up long tasks in JavaScript.

by Alex MacArthur

It's very common to intentionally break up long, expensive tasks over multiple ticks of the event loop. But there are sure are a lot of approaches to choose from. Let's explore them.

🚀 Read it!, javascript

Developer philosophy

by qntm

Amazing as it may seem after all these years, there are still junior developers in the world.

📰 Good to know, engineering

How I learned to code with my voice

by Salma Alam-Naylor

Struggling with severe hand pain, I learned to code by voice.

📰 Good to know, engineering, voice


by Wimer Hazenberg

Monoco is a tiny JavaScript library that adds squircles (smooth corners) and other corner types to html elements.

🧰 Tools, shapes, html, javascript


by internet.dev

a simple & intuitive flowchart builder experience.

🧰 Tools, diagrams


by lightpanda.io

the headless browser designed for AI and automation

🧰 Tools, browsers

Building a progress-indicating scroll-to-top button in HTML and CSS

by Manuel Matuzović

What a nice effect just with some css!

📚 Tutorials, css

Creating an Angled Slider

by Zach Saucier

Let’s walk through how this slider with angled content and hover effect works.

📚 Tutorials, css, slider

Angular: The Documentary - An origin story

by Honeypot

All the Honeypot productions are so enjoyable. Also watch it if you don't care about Angular.

📺 Videos, angular, honeypot

Want to read more? Check out the full article here.

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